Coronavirus - the global crisis has hit us like a thunderbolt, and most of this information is already known to us. Therefore, please accept this text as a reminder because many people ignore this disease. Too many people do not see the threat of this virus. The English implemented preventive conditions too late, and the number of dying people in the UK is already over 80 people a day.
Coronavirus has been the number one topic around the world since the beginning of 2020. The mysterious virus began to take its toll in the Chinese city of Wuhan, from where it gradually spread its reach to almost the whole world. The number of infections is continuously increasing. It is worth knowing who is most exposed to the disease and how you can protect yourself against the disease. How to recognise the symptoms and when to see a doctor?
What is coronavirus
Coronavirus is a mysterious disease that sleeps people around the world. The first cases appeared in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019. At that time, no one was aware of the scale of the threat. The virus owes its name to its molecular structure. Under the microscope, it looks like it is shaped like a corona.
The virus attacks the upper respiratory tract, mainly causing shortness of breath, coughing and high temperature. It is easy to confuse it with ordinary flu. You can infect yourself by droplet through contact with the discharge of the sick person. It penetrates through mucous membranes and quickly develops inside organisms. Besides, its molecules are covered with glycoproteins, which means that it can also be transmitted via the faecal-oral route.
Scientists also say that you can get infected by contact with infected objects, but this is not the main route of infection. In this case, very little time must pass from touching the virus-covered surface, e.g. our mouth. All you need is good hand hygiene and avoiding touching the face to minimise the risk of infection in this way.

Causes of the appearance of coronavirus
The direct cause of the so-called patient "zero" is unknown. It is said that the virus may have been in the body of bats, which in China is one of the ingredients of exotic Asian dishes. In this way, the virus could get into the human body and cause an epidemic.
The disease spreads via droplets, which is why it has become risky to travel and stay in large clusters - at mass events, conferences, etc.
The first signs of coronavirus infection
The virus primarily attacks the respiratory system. The early symptoms usually appear within a few days, although they may seem even a few weeks after contact with an infected person. According to the data provided by WHO, the virus incubation period ranges from 1 to 14 days, but it can be up to 28 days, depending on individual factors and conditions. If our body gets infected, soon symptoms of colds or flu will appear. First of all, there are:
high fever (over 38 degrees)
tiring coughing and shortness of breath
trouble breathing
muscle aches
Some patients with Covid-19 have gastrointestinal disorders. Then the signs of infection are nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting and general weakness - all this may resemble ordinary stomach flu. If we notice these symptoms and at the same time, we suspect that we may have been infected, contact a doctor.
Some also complain of an unusual feeling of shortness of breath, arrhythmias and a drop in blood pressure.
The degree of severity depends on the initial condition of the body. A healthy autoimmune system will make the disease mild, and the symptoms will stop within two weeks.
Fever, cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath - these are typical symptoms. Of course, there are milder cases when a person will feel weakened, as with a common cold. In these worse cases, the virus causes pneumonia - explains Dr Paweł Grzesiowski, an expert on immunology.
Unfortunately, many people undergo coronavirus infection without any symptoms, which significantly increases epidemiological risk. An infected person has no idea that he is a carrier of the virus and may unknowingly infect other people in his surroundings. That is why quarantine is such an essential element in the fight against pandemics.
Complications associated with coronavirus
Despite numerous studies, scientists are still asking many questions about the course of infection in infected people.
Some patients develop severe pneumonia, which may even lead to impairment or damage to this organ. After the damage to the lungs, fluid accumulates in the alveoli. It blocks the functioning of this body. Typically when we inhale air, the lungs extract oxygen molecules and transfer them to the bloodstream, through which they travel to tissues and organs.
Lungs damaged in any way are no longer able to transport oxygen into the bloodstream. It can lead to impaired body functions, loss of contact, coma, and ultimately death.
When to see a doctor
Because coronavirus is spreading rapidly, you should not report to your doctor whenever you notice symptoms that match your SARS Cov-2 infection. Doctors point out that when a patient reports alleged coronavirus symptoms, it paralyses the entire facility where he came to check you out.
It is recommended that people who at the same time see symptoms of the disease and have contact with an infected person or return from abroad report to the doctor. It should also be remembered that at the beginning, it is worth contacting the medical facility by phone so that the staff can prepare for the reception of a person who may be infected with the coronavirus.
The Ministry of Health informs that there is no need to see a doctor if our symptoms are mild. In this situation, you should follow the quarantine policy and do not leave the house until the symptoms have disappeared. However, if something worries us, we can call the hospital or other medical facility.

Who is most at risk of coronavirus infection
Coronavirus, although deadly dangerous, is a common virus similar to the one that causes flu. The risk group are everyone who has or had contact with a sick person. However, there are some groups in which infection is more dangerous.
First of all, they are older people who no longer have such strong defence systems as young organisms. Seniors should pay special attention to observance of all precautions because in their case, the symptoms are the strongest and the risk of death - very high. Infection is also more dangerous for people who additionally struggle with some chronic or autoimmune diseases, take immunosuppressants or fight (or have once fought) cancer.
Particular care should be taken by pregnant women and those who have recently given birth. People who smoke also have a higher risk of infection.
Coronavirus and children
Interestingly, children who do not yet have a fully formed immune system are much less likely to get sick. There are relatively few cases of coronavirus in people under the age of 9. Scientists and doctors suggest that this has to do with the mechanism of immune system functioning in children with a so-called direct immune reaction.
At-risk are also people with a reduced immune system (naturally or ill), i.e. those who get sick almost every season. People who are infected with HIV, which significantly impairs the autoimmune system, are also more vulnerable.
Chinese authorities ensure that as many as 81% of patients diagnosed with coronavirus infection had only mild symptoms.
Coronavirus treatment
There is currently no effective drug or vaccine against coronavirus. Patients are treated symptomatically and quarantined in infectious disease departments. The most important here is prevention and appropriate actions taken both by ourselves and by the state authorities.
Admittedly, scientists have already developed a coronavirus vaccine that is currently being tested, but it may take a minimum of 18 months before it is available to the public. 45 people qualified for the tests. The first person to be given the vaccine is Jennifer Haller. The volunteer will be observed for 14 months.
Besides, Chinese scientists argue that Favipiravir may be useful in treating the symptoms of an infection and will help to deal with a pandemic faster.
Is this really a new type of virus?
Coronavirus is considered a new type of virus that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and began to wreak havoc throughout Asia and later around the world. There are several dozen coronavirus varieties around the world, but only a few can cause symptoms in humans.
Cases of coronavirus infection occurred as early as 2002 (the epidemic was then called SARS), and later in 2003 - MERS. So this is the third epidemic, which is also the most dangerous of all that took place because it attacks not only the upper but also the lower respiratory tract.
Some say that this is an economic game of the Chinese to increase turnover in foreign markets because if we run out of goods, we will have to import everything from China. Others wonder why this virus has jumped from China to Europe and America, bypassing Russia or North Korea. Still, others claim that it is a sign from God ... I believe that regardless of where it developed and why it is spreading so fast, it is worth preventing now rather than curing later. Our company has been closed for almost three weeks, but we have developed a system to provide information online. Of course, we cannot continue with jobs allocation for our existing costumers, but we can be the centre of information for everyone. Due to the situation, our telephone line may be busy, and e-mail responses will be delayed. Therefore, please be patient.
Take care of yourself and isolate yourself whenever possible.
Thanks for your time.
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